Get ready, Den Haag! Ferocious Dog are bringing their unrelenting folk-punk energy to Paard, one of the Netherlands’ most iconic live music venues. Known for their hard-hitting lyrics, pounding rhythms, and electrifying stage presence, this is set to be a night of pure intensity and passion.
Venue: Paard, Den Haag, Netherlands
Date: Thursday, 27th November 2025
Tickets: Available now – Get yours here!
Ferocious Dog at PAARD, DEN HAAG
Located in the heart of The Hague, Paard is one of the country’s most legendary music venues. Hosting an eclectic mix of alternative, rock, and folk acts, its state-of-the-art sound system and intimate yet powerful setting make it the perfect place for Ferocious Dog’s high-energy show. With a reputation for unforgettable live performances, Paard guarantees an atmosphere that will take this gig to the next level.
Join Us in the Netherlands!
As the political and cultural capital of the Netherlands, Den Haag has a rich music and arts scene. From punk and rock to electronic and folk, the city has embraced live music as a core part of its identity. With a dedicated crowd of music lovers, this Ferocious Dog gig at Paard promises to be one of the highlights of the year.
Tickets are available now via this link. Secure yours today, and we’ll see you in the Netherlands!